Specifications / Technical Data S-720/T
/ Milling machine / CNC-Router
With the
purchase of the T-variation of High-Z CNC-router you get a proven
technology with a certain icing of the cake in TÜV-certified quality.
High-Z/T 3D-cnc-engraver was conceived for once more precision
(repetition precision approx. 0,02mm) and especially for higher
traverse speed.
Because of the used ball screws the
High-Z/T cnc milling machines achieves a fantastic precision and an
almost unmeasurable back lash of approx. 0,01mm. At the same time
there are high traverse speeds up to approx. 108mm / sec. ( 6.500
mm/min ) possible.
With this cnc-machines
you're able to carry out an engrave and mill speeds of approx. 4500
mm/min. and express travels up to 6500mm/min.
Here's a video on a unloaded drive with the new High-Z / T.
This cnc-machine series is usable in the industrial field as
well as for works like engraving, milling, drilling, measuring,
cutting and measuring out systems as for example adhering of adhesive
on 3D outlines.
All cnc-milling-machines
are being delivered with black energy-chains on all axis, which allows
a better cabling management. Also, all cnc-engraving-machines are
equipped with an emergency stop button. An additional emergency stop
you find in front of the controller.
equipment of all High-Z CNC-milling machines:
ConstruCAM-3D limited ( from S-720 and S-400/T ) included
Contact free reference switch and emergency stop button
as well as 22mm thick linear guide ways and individually adapted screw
Equipment / Productdetails:
oDrive : 4 stepping motor by Nanotec with 1600 steps/rev
(1/8 Step)
o2 motors for constant tension and compression during
milling operation on X-Axis
oGuide ways X and Y axle 22 mm / Z
Axis 16mm, grinded and with 61hrc hardened surface
oFeed through
of long workpieces possible, because there's no belt drive at the end
of the X-axle
oBall bearings at both sides of ball screws on
X and Y axis
oTraverse speed of rapid feed: max. 7000 mm/min
oTechnical resolution : 0,00625 mm ( 1/8 Schritt )
error max.: +/- 10µm ( 0,01mm )
oTable size / clamping area:
1050 x 520 mm
oTraverse Paths: X=720 mm; Y=400 mm; Z= 110 mm
oReference- and limit switch on all axes
oDouble safety
emergency stop button
oEnergy chain for clean cabling
dinemsions incl motors: L x W x H = appr. 1070 x 690 x 500mm
oMilling Motor anchorage: Euroneck Ø43mm
oincl. Software WIN
PCNC Light (optional WIN PCNC Economy, USB or professional)
oincl. Software ConstruCAM-3D limited ( recommended sell price
full version 1902.81 EUR)
oModular frame for universal
oWeight appr. 41 kg
oComplete machine Includet 4
driver microstep controller 4 x 3,5 Ampere
oAn approx.
30-minute long introduction during pick up and an unlimted telephone
support are included.
oAn approx. 2-3 hours long introduction
and an installation of software on your brought note book/ PC as well
as a explanation of fundamental terms of Corel Draw etc. possible,
Technical data contained in the
price TÜV-certified control system, tailored to the CNC milling
machine / CNC engraving machine:
o 4-Channel
Stepper motor -CNC-Controller with actual SMD-Technology
Main voltage 115 - 240 Volt C5344965 / 47 - 63 Hz.
o Motor
current 4 x 3,5 Ampere
o Microstep controller Resolution
1/10-Step / 2000 Steps/Rev.
o 4 Connections for 4 brushless
Motor / Stepper motor
o Connection with parallel port and
Software WIN PCNC Light, Economy or USB with WIN PCNC USB or
Profi version. ( Also possible:MACH3, USBCNC, NC-Easy LINUX EMC and
LINUX CNC and much other
stepper driver software.)
o "Sleep-Function" for controlling current down
Oszillation motor-Connection 24 Volt by PWM controllable ( for
example: Tangential knife ) or
24 Volt constant for motor Break
by ST-plug
o 2 relais for maximum 1200 Watt by Software
switchable (up from WIN PCNC Light), 230 Volt,
max. 6,0 A / Plug
(for example Air compressor, cooling, exhaust, dust extraction).
o 0 - 10 Volt for connecting a HF converter for an high frequency
o 12 Status-LEDs for monitoring all important function
(Power, Toggle, Move, X, Y, Z, C; Overheat,
Emergency stop,
Relais: Spindle / Cooling, Short Circuit)
o Connection
possibility of 4 end- or. Reference switches and one Emergency Stop
o Motor connection by D-Sub 9-pin. (C-Axis:
o Emergency-Stop Switch
o Overheating
o Short circuit protection
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ready for operation