wood working machines / milling machines wood

Manufacturer: CNC-STEP

Model:High-Z S-1000


item-No.: 67805456

Quantity: 1

Date: 09.12.2024

Location: Land-de Germany D - Nordrhein-Westfalen

Price: 3,393 EUR

Machine in stock:Yes

Specifications / Technical Data S-1000

CNC-Router and CNC-Engraver

This is the biggest machine of our High-Z cnc-router series. With external dimensions of approx. 1350x800mm it is still very handy.

With the High-Z 3D-cnc-routers you purchase an allround talent in TÜV-certified quality. If you want to clampand fix complex workpieces on the worksurface, or, or, or clamp work-pieces in a high bench vise (the cnc-machine sits on a frame-construction, is driven by 2 motors and therefore allows to be positioned above a piece to be processed).

Or if you simply want to do engraving- or drillingjobs.you can work on a flat surface, with a pieces of sheet MDF fixed to it. Plane it once and you will be able to work with a precision of +-0,02 mm depth.

All cnc-machines are being delivered with black energy-chains on all axis, which allows a better cabling management. Also, all cnc-milling machines are equipped with an emergency stop button. An additional emergency stop you find in front of the controller.

Basic equipment of all High-Z CNC-milling machines:

Software ConstruCAM-3D limited ( from S-720 and S-400/T ) included

Contact free reference switch and emergency stop button as well as 22mm thick linear guide ways and individually adapted screw nuts

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Equipment / Productdetails:

oDrive : 4 stepping motor by Nanotec with 1600 steps/rev (1/8 Step)
o2 motors for constant tension and compression during milling operation on X-Axis
oFeed through of long workpieces possible, because there's no belt drive at the end of the X-axle

oGuide ways X and Y axle 22 mm / Z Axis 16mm, grinded and with 61hrc hardened surface
oBall bearings at both sides of trapezium spindles Tr. 12x3 mm flank lead
oTraverse speed of rapid feed: max. 2000 mm/min
oTechnical resolution: 0,00187 mm ( 1/8 Schritt )
oReversal error max.: +/- 30µm ( 0,03mm )

oTable size / clamping area: 1330 x 680 mm
oTraverse Paths: X=1000 mm; Y=600 mm; Z= 110 mm
oReference- and limit switch on all axes
oDouble safety emergency stop button
oEnergy chain for clean cabling
oTotal dinemsions incl motors: L x W x H = appr. 1350 x 840 x 500mm
oMilling Motor anchorage: Euroneck Ø43mm
oincl. Software WIN PCNC Light (optional WIN PCNC Economy, USB or professional)

oincl. Software ConstruCAM-3D limited ( recommended sell price full version 1902.81 EUR)

oModular frame for universal application
oWeight appr. 51 kg
oComplete machine Includet 4 driver microstep controller 4 x 3,5 Ampere

oAn approx. 30-minute long introduction during pick up and an unlimted telephone support are included.

oAn approx. 2-3 hours long introduction and an installation of software on your brought note-book / PC as well as a explanation of fundamental terms of Corel Draw etc. possible, too.

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Technical data contained in the price TÜV-certified control system, tailored to the CNC milling machine / CNC engraving machine:

o 4-Channel Stepper motor -CNC-Controller with actual SMD-Technology

o Main voltage 115 - 240 Volt / 47 - 63 Hz.

o Motor current 4 x 3,5 Ampere

o C5344965 Microstep controller Resolution 1/10-Step / 2000 Steps/Rev.

o 4 Connections for 4 brushless Motor / Stepper motor

o Connection with parallel port and Software WIN PCNC Light, Economy or USB with WIN PCNC USB or Profi version. ( Also

possible: MACH3, USBCNC, NC-Easy LINUX EMC and LINUX CNC and much other stepper driver software.)

o "Sleep-Function" for controlling current down

o Oszillation motor-Connection 24 Volt by PWM controllable ( for example: Tangential knife ) or 24 Volt constant for motor Break by ST-plug

o 2 relais for maximum 1200 Watt by Software switchable (up from WIN PCNC Light), 230 Volt, max. 6,0 A / Plug (for example Air compressor, cooling, exhaust, dust extraction).

o 0 - 10 Volt for connecting a HF converter for an high frequency spindle
o 12 Status-LEDs for monitoring all important function (Power, Toggle, Move, X, Y, Z, C; Overheat, Emergency stop, Relais: Spindle / Cooling, Short Circuit)

o Connection possibility of 4 end- or. Reference switches and one Emergency Stop switch

o Motor connection by D-Sub 9-pin. (C-Axis: 15-pin.)

o Emergency-Stop Switch

o Overheating protection

o Short circuit protection

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fresadora fresatrice fraiseuse Jyrsintae fraisage machin Freesmachine Frezesanas masina frezavimo masinos ? Frezarka Freza Fraesmaskin Frézovací stroj Frézka ?; New ready for operation
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Specifications / Technical Data S-1000

CNC-Router and CNC-Engraver

This is the biggest machine of our High-Z cnc-router series. With external dimensions of approx. 1350x800mm it is still very handy.

With the High-Z 3D-cnc-routers you purchase an allround talent in TÜV-certified quality. If you want to clampand fix complex workpieces on the worksurface, or, or, or clamp work-pieces in a high bench vise (the cnc-machine sits on a frame-construction, is driven by 2 motors and therefore allows to be positioned above a piece to be processed).

Or if you simply want to do engraving- or drillingjobs.you can work on a flat surface, with a pieces of sheet MDF fixed to it. Plane it once and you will be able to work with a precision of +-0,02 mm depth.

All cnc-machines are being delivered with black energy-chains on all axis, which allows a better cabling management. Also, all cnc-milling machines are equipped with an emergency stop button. An additional emergency stop you find in front of the controller.

Basic equipment of all High-Z CNC-milling machines:

Software ConstruCAM-3D limited ( from S-720 and S-400/T ) included

Contact free reference switch and emergency stop button as well as 22mm thick linear guide ways and individually adapted screw nuts

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Equipment / Productdetails:

oDrive : 4 stepping motor by Nanotec with 1600 steps/rev (1/8 Step)
o2 motors for constant tension and compression during milling operation on X-Axis
oFeed through of long workpieces possible, because there's no belt drive at the end of the X-axle

oGuide ways X and Y axle 22 mm / Z Axis 16mm, grinded and with 61hrc hardened surface
oBall bearings at both sides of trapezium spindles Tr. 12x3 mm flank lead
oTraverse speed of rapid feed: max. 2000 mm/min
oTechnical resolution: 0,00187 mm ( 1/8 Schritt )
oReversal error max.: +/- 30µm ( 0,03mm )

oTable size / clamping area: 1330 x 680 mm
oTraverse Paths: X=1000 mm; Y=600 mm; Z= 110 mm
oReference- and limit switch on all axes
oDouble safety emergency stop button
oEnergy chain for clean cabling
oTotal dinemsions incl motors: L x W x H = appr. 1350 x 840 x 500mm
oMilling Motor anchorage: Euroneck Ø43mm
oincl. Software WIN PCNC Light (optional WIN PCNC Economy, USB or professional)

oincl. Software ConstruCAM-3D limited ( recommended sell price full version 1902.81 EUR)

oModular frame for universal application
oWeight appr. 51 kg
oComplete machine Includet 4 driver microstep controller 4 x 3,5 Ampere

oAn approx. 30-minute long introduction during pick up and an unlimted telephone support are included.

oAn approx. 2-3 hours long introduction and an installation of software on your brought note-book / PC as well as a explanation of fundamental terms of Corel Draw etc. possible, too.

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Technical data contained in the price TÜV-certified control system, tailored to the CNC milling machine / CNC engraving machine:

o 4-Channel Stepper motor -CNC-Controller with actual SMD-Technology

o Main voltage 115 - 240 Volt / 47 - 63 Hz.

o Motor current 4 x 3,5 Ampere

o C5344965 Microstep controller C5344965 Resolution 1/10-Step / 2000 Steps/Rev.

o 4 Connections for 4 brushless Motor / Stepper motor

o Connection with parallel port and Software WIN PCNC Light, Economy or USB with WIN PCNC USB or Profi version. ( Also

possible: MACH3, USBCNC, NC-Easy LINUX EMC and LINUX CNC and much other stepper driver software.)

o "Sleep-Function" for controlling current down

o Oszillation motor-Connection 24 Volt by PWM controllable ( for example: Tangential knife ) or 24 Volt constant for motor Break by ST-plug

o 2 relais for maximum 1200 Watt by Software switchable (up from WIN PCNC Light), 230 Volt, max. 6,0 A / Plug (for example Air compressor, cooling, exhaust, dust extraction).

o 0 - 10 Volt for connecting a HF converter for an high frequency spindle
o 12 Status-LEDs for monitoring all important function (Power, Toggle, Move, X, Y, Z, C; Overheat, Emergency stop, Relais: Spindle / Cooling, Short Circuit)

o Connection possibility of 4 end- or. Reference switches and one Emergency Stop switch

o Motor connection by D-Sub 9-pin. (C-Axis: 15-pin.)

o Emergency-Stop Switch

o Overheating protection

o Short circuit protection

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fresadora fresatrice fraiseuse Jyrsintae fraisage machin Freesmachine Frezesanas masina frezavimo masinos ? Frezarka Freza Fraesmaskin Frézovací stroj Frézka ?; New ready for operation
seller offer No. resale 67805456
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Mr Michael Peters
47608 Geldern

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