dealer profile

used machinery dealer

Elitekno bottling Solutions


Via del glicine 9/A

37051 Bovolone

Via del glicine 9/A

37051 Bovolone



Contact person:

Mr Minari

Mr Minari
status: machinery dealer

verified user

RESALE member since 2019

verified user

RESALE member since 2019

  • +39 045 ... phone
  • +39 045 ... phone
used machinery sale offers:
  • machine list (903)
Company portrait:

Used Bottling Lines Professionals: Elitekno Bottling Solutions

Elitekno Bottling Solutions is a team of professionals with over 30 years in the field of machinery used for bottling and packaging.
Why Elitekno Bottling Solutions?

Changing completely a line of bottling with a new one is extremely expensive.
Elitekno offers the solution: the used market.

We buy used machinery, we rearrange, renew and replace the worn parts, making the machinery as new and totally usable for tens of years without having to replace it.
The correct advice for the product that’s right for you.

We also offer a consulting service for any type of business, from small family-run companies to large multinationals. After an on-site visit to your company, let’s decide with you the best option: buy regenerated machines or regenerate those already in your possession for all bottling machines!
We are also experienced in bottle size change and labels on all types of machinery on the market.