Yarn dyeing machines THIES iCone 1800

textile machines / other textile machines / Yarn dyeing machines

item-No.: 163276911 Quantity: 1 Date: 02.02.2024
Year of manufacture: 2017 Location: 4430 Vila Nova de Gaia
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: THIES
Model: iCone 1800
Type of machine: Yarn dyeing machines
Description: Yarn dyeing machines THIES iCone 1800

used machine

1 THIES high temperature vertical cone / bobbin dyeing machine type iCone 1800,
year 2017 (commissioned in 2018),
loading capacity 765 kg in L188 CO / PES,
SEDO T858 controller,
seller offer No. resale 9579
Seller-item-No.: 9579


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