Columnar swivel cranes R.STAHL FöRDERTECHNIK PS0,30-30

construction machinery / cranes / Columnar swivel cranes

item-No.: 152589562 Quantity: 1 Date: 19.12.2023
Year of manufacture: 1998
Price: 1,430 EUR
Manufacturer: R.Stahl Fördertechnik
Model: PS0,30-30
Type of machine: Columnar swivel cranes
Description: Columnar swivel cranes R.Stahl Fördertechnik PS0,30-30

used machine

columnar swivel crane #5016

Capacity: 80 kg
Total height: 3.25 m
Lifting height: 2.5 m
Console length: 2.5 T132882 m
Voltage: 380 V
seller offer No. resale 5016
Machine in stock: Yes
Seller-item-No.: 5016


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