Screw compressor ROTA ROTORKOMP Verdichter R1 / 915

compressed air technology / compressors

item-No.: 144050478 Quantity: 1 Date: 07.03.2024
Year of manufacture: 1990 Operating hours: 2035
Price: 1,450 EUR
Manufacturer: Rota Rotorkomp
Model: Verdichter R1 / 915
Type of machine: Screw compressor
Description: Screw compressor Rota Rotorkomp Verdichter R1 / 915

used machine

Screw compressor
Manufacturer Rota Rotorkomp Compressor
Drive power 11KW
Operating pressure 11 bar
Operating pressure maximum 15 bar
Operating hours according to the meter 2,035 hrs.
Without compressed M138572 air boiler
Device ready to be demonstrated under power
seller offer No. resale 144050478
Machine in stock: Yes


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