Painting plants RENOJAVA 80mm

wood working machines / lacquer machines / Painting plants

item-No.: 159118607 Quantity: 1 Date: 29.03.2024
Year of manufacture: 2013 Location: 06001 Kežmarok
Price: 1,000 EUR
Manufacturer: RENOJAVA
Model: 80mm
Type of machine: Painting plants
Description: Painting plants RENOJAVA 80mm

used machine

I sell the spraying automat Renojava yr. 2013
Working width 80mm
Element thickness up to 80mm
Feeding bands length: 1,60 + 2,60m
Technology break 200mm / Element length min. from 300mm.
Total length: 4,40m

Ring arm system for guns from each side
Pump O157996 included.
Feeding system with motors.

Good condition. Available immediately.
seller offer No. resale 159118607
Machine in stock: Yes


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