Clean room cabine REINRAUMKABINE

wood working machines / lacquer machines

item-No.: 162599708 Quantity: 1 Date: 23.04.2024
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Reinraumkabine
Model: unknown
Type of machine: Clean room cabine
Description: Clean room cabine Reinraumkabine

Manufacturer: Reinraumkabine, Control: yes, Supply air filter covers: yes, Heizmedium : Warmwasser, Electronic control board: yes, Working height: 3200, Wet splashback: yes, Length max mm: 3000, Inner hight mm: 2890, Sliding doors: 1, Number of spray booths: 1, Number of evaporation booths: 1, Zuluftfilterdecke m²: 25, Floor extraction: no, Supply air system: yes, Grösse L X B115207 B X H mm: 18000 X 7000, Radial fan: 2, Ceilings for incoming air: 1, Heating register: 1, Supply air system: yes, Sliding doors: 1,
seller offer No. resale 99577
Seller-item-No.: 99577


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