Airless Geraet OPCO 30-50

wood working machines / lacquer machines

item-No.: 2019780 Quantity: 1 Date: 18.03.2024
Year of manufacture: 1999
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Opco
Model: 30-50
Type of machine: Airless Geraet
Description: Airless Geraet Opco 30-50

used machine

Air pressure-done piston pump
aerial entrance pressure max. 8 cash
Max Materialvolumenstrom Materialvolumenstrom materialvolumenstrom 4.5 l / min.
translation 30:1
224 cash
material temperature max. 90°C
high-grade steel execution

(changes and 122003 mistakes in the technical data, information
and prices as well as intersales reserve!)
seller offer No. resale 2019780


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