Automatic folding machines MULTIGRAF (EUROFOLD) Touchline CF375

printing machines / post press: folders / Automatic folding machines

item-No.: 160670875 Quantity: 1 Date: 08.04.2024
Year of manufacture:
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Multigraf (Eurofold)
Model: Touchline CF375
Type of machine: Automatic folding machines
Description: Automatic folding machines Multigraf (Eurofold) Touchline CF375

used machine

Touchline CF375 performs creasing and folding work in a single operation.
The system has a simple control panel, a reliable
Stacking feeder with suction belt system and a unique creasing and folding P157499 tool.

Important: one roller on this machine must be replaced
seller offer No. resale 160670875


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