Glue presses LISY DVORAK TH6-2600/1050/50

wood working machines / presses / Glue presses

item-No.: 159407440 Quantity: 1 Date: 04.11.2023
Year of manufacture: 2008 Location: 06001 Kežmarok
Price: 14,000 EUR
Manufacturer: LISY DVORAK
Model: TH6-2600/1050/50
Type of machine: Glue presses
Description: Glue presses LISY DVORAK TH6-2600/1050/50

used machine

I sell a press for adhesive wood gluing LISY DVORAK TH6, built in 2008.
Material size 2600 X 1050 x 50mm
6 work surfaces, manual rotazion.
6 pcs hydraulic top pressures per area / pump 1.1KW
6 pcs manual pressures per O157996 area
Self-weight 1350kg.

Very good condition. Available the same.
seller offer No. resale 159407440
Machine in stock: Yes


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