Other KURZ KTF 70 B

wood working machines / spare parts for wood working machines

item-No.: 162600119 Quantity: 1 Date: 23.04.2024
Year of manufacture: 2003
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Kurz
Model: KTF 70 B
Type of machine: Other
Description: Other Kurz KTF 70 B

used machine

Manufacturer: Kurz Prägestation<CRLF>doppelseitig, Type: KTF 70 B, Year: ca.2003, FREETEXT1: Transferbreite 60 mm, FREETEXT2: Vorschub max.60, FREETEXT3: Temperatur 0-300 °C, FREETEXT4: Schwenkbereich+60/-10, B115207 FREETEXT5: Druckluft 6 bar, FREETEXT6: Gewicht 400 kg, Year :ca.2003
seller offer No. resale 98100
Seller-item-No.: 98100


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