Hot glue system HSS- NORDSON HMP- 2035

printing machines / paper converting: other

item-No.: 160490241 Quantity: 1 Date: 08.01.2024
Year of manufacture: 2005
Price: 1,000 EUR
Manufacturer: HSS- Nordson
Model: HMP- 2035
Type of machine: Hot glue system
Description: Hot glue system HSS- Nordson HMP- 2035

used machine

THREE HHS HOT GLUE SYSTEMS to install on any folder gluer - from 1 to 4 glue points- years 2005/2010- Programmation- without guns- Price: 1.000 euro each LOT.

NORDSON HOT GLUE SYSTEM MODEL 2035 with one spray M1242904 gun included – 4 exits- PRICE: 1.000 euro LOT.

seller offer No. resale 160490241
Machine in stock: Yes


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