Wide belt sanding machine HONGTAI 2 Walzen Schleifmaschine

wood working machines / grinding machines

item-No.: 162599857 Quantity: 1 Date: 23.04.2024
Year of manufacture: 2017
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Hongtai
Model: 2 Walzen Schleifmaschine
Type of machine: Wide belt sanding machine
Description: Wide belt sanding machine Hongtai 2 Walzen Schleifmaschine

used machine

Manufacturer: Hongtai, Type: 2 Walzen Schleifmaschine, Year: 2017, Control: Weinwiev, Monting of the machine: Walze/Walze/Bürste, Sanding width mm: 1300, Sanding hight mm: 120, Number of sanding belts: 2, Sanding belt dimensions: 2620 X 1350, Shore roller 1: ca.40, Shore roller 2: ca.60, Band 1 Leistung kW : ca.15, Band 1 Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : regelbar, Band 2 Leistung kW : ca.15, Band 2 Schleifbandgeschwindigkeit m/s : regelbar, B115207 Frequency control of belts: 2, Continous adjustable feeding speed m/min: 10-20, Vacuum table: yes, Diameter/ brush bristles: ca.200, Weight in kg: 5000, Year :2017
seller offer No. resale 91137
Seller-item-No.: 91137


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