Double spindle milling machines HELMA TWIN SIDED SHAPER Helma CF-40 (2) spindle shaper

wood working machines / milling machines / Double spindle milling machines

item-No.: 134154893 Quantity: 1 Date: 05.02.2024
Year of manufacture:
Price: 7,500 USD
Manufacturer: Helma twin sided shaper
Model: Helma CF-40 (2) spindle shaper
Type of machine: Double spindle milling machines
Description: Double spindle milling machines Helma twin sided shaper Helma CF-40 (2) spindle shaper

used machine

HELMA- model CF-40-copy milling/shaping machine
feed thru with work piece return
(2) milling spindles-
18" max. distance between the spindles centers-
28" x45" Table - (2) 30mm. work spindles- 10,500 RPM spindles-
4"max. cutting height - vertical adjustment 10 mm.- (2) 7 1/2 hp. spindle d114641 motors -
1/2hp. variable speed feed motor 5' to 30' per min.- 2,200 lbs. $7,500

seller offer No. resale 134154893
Machine in stock: Yes


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