Beam machines FRIULMAC Idramat SQ

wood working machines / boring mills, machining centers / Beam machines

item-No.: 144524011 Quantity: 1 Date: 29.01.2024
Year of manufacture: 2007 Operating hours: 2000
Price: 300,000 EUR
Manufacturer: Friulmac
Model: Idramat SQ
Type of machine: Beam machines
Description: Beam machines Friulmac Idramat SQ

used machine

Special production plant of the brand Friulmac for the production of (standard) garden houses, wooden houses, log houses etc.

System Block construction and block plank construction M133526
tools, milling and suction device.
As good as new!
seller offer No. resale M465
Machine in stock: Yes
Seller-item-No.: M465


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