Garment dyeing machine FLAINOX ARC 20

textile machines / other textile machines

item-No.: 161125368 Quantity: 1 Date: 27.03.2024
Year of manufacture: 2000
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: FLAINOX
Model: ARC 20
Type of machine: Garment dyeing machine
Description: Garment dyeing machine FLAINOX ARC 20

used machine

1 FLAINOX ready made garment dyeing machine type ARC 20, year 2000, capacity up to 20 Kg,
drum diameter 84 cm, drum depth 112 cm, drum volume 620 L,
equipped with TERMOELETTRONICA type CT82 dye cycle controller,
liquor ratio 1:8 with partial immersion and 1:18 with total immersion,
working temperature 98ºC, L188
machine works in dyeing at 2 to 20 rpm,
machine works in centrifugation at 200 rpm,
inverter controlled drum
seller offer No. resale 9606
Seller-item-No.: 9606


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