Afriso Level limiter NB220 QS 220V FAFNIR NB 220 QS

electrical parts / electrical parts

item-No.: 161381118 Quantity: 10 Date: 19.10.2023
Year of manufacture: new machine
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Fafnir
Model: NB 220 QS
Type of machine: Afriso Level limiter NB220 QS 220V
Description: Afriso Level limiter NB220 QS 220V Fafnir NB 220 QS

new machine

Level limiters for water-polluting liquids for sale. Afriso / Fafnir NB 220 QS for 220V AC
10 pieces available, all in H149616 original packaging.
seller offer No. resale 161381118


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