Combi steamers ELOMA Multimax

food processing machines / catering machines / Combi steamers

item-No.: 160095380 Quantity: 1 Date: 30.01.2024
Year of manufacture:
Price: 6,300 EUR
Manufacturer: Eloma
Model: Multimax
Type of machine: Combi steamers
Description: Combi steamers Eloma Multimax

used machine

Combi steamer 20 x 1/1 GN, 400 V, Eloma Multimax B20-11,
400 V, 45 kW, 60A, Fixed connection, Steaming, Combi steaming, Hot air, NT cooking, Core temperature, Manual steaming, Clima active, Energy saving, Reduced fan speed, Autoclean, F149679 Water shower, Dimensions 103x88x193 cm, Refurbished with warranty6300
seller offer No. resale 12520
Seller-item-No.: 12520


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