Mobile concrete mixers EKATO EM 2060

construction machinery / concrete machinery / Mobile concrete mixers

item-No.: 162859413 Quantity: 1 Date: 24.11.2023
Year of manufacture:
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: EKATO
Model: EM 2060
Type of machine: Mobile concrete mixers
Description: Mobile concrete mixers EKATO EM 2060

used machine

Stainless steel mixer in 6m container. EKATO mixer EM 2060., 1bar, 25°C, 80-122 rpm

Control Schoregge GmbH

Complete with controller, scale, etc.

Dimensions of the mixer: H132582

Diameter: 1.60m
Height: 0.80m
Volume: 1600 l

seller offer No. resale 162859413


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