Tube bundle heat exchanger stainless steel E. GESSNER AG D600-L5000 - 78m2

energy & engines: power generators, engines, turbines, boilers / other energy machinery

item-No.: 14100608 Quantity: 1 Date: 17.01.2024
Year of manufacture: 1982
Price: 15,900 EUR
Manufacturer: E. Gessner AG
Model: D600-L5000 - 78m2
Type of machine: Tube bundle heat exchanger stainless steel
Description: Tube bundle heat exchanger stainless steel E. Gessner AG D600-L5000 - 78m2

used machine

VA Tube Bundle WT
Manufacturer: E. Gessner AG, built 1982, material 1.4465, 1.4571,
Diameter Coat: 600mm
Effective Length Pipes: 5000mm
Di-inner tube: 20mm
Da inner tube: 24mm
Total length 5880mm
Total height: 1000mm
Connections Coat: DN 200
Connections Pipe side DN 50
Foot distance (holes) 3000mm
Transmission area: 65m2 / 78m2 (indoor/outdoor)
208 inner L115227 tubes
Ab. Pressures: -1 / 3 bar inner tubes
-1 / 6bar coat
Temp range: -10 / +200

Price refers to a heat exchanger. 2 present
seller offer No. resale BS15-109
Seller-item-No.: BS15-109


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