Rolling mills DIVERSE 2100 roll mill + stockblender

machines for plastic / rubber machines / Rolling mills

item-No.: 123583091 Quantity: 1
Year of manufacture:
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Diverse
Model: 2100 roll mill + stockblender
Type of machine: Rolling mills
Description: Rolling mills Diverse 2100 roll mill + stockblender

used machine

1 x Heavy duty 2 roll mill
Roll dimensions: 2100mm x 665mm dia.
Hydraulic nip adjustment,
Safety push bars,
Peripherally drilled rolls,
Sleeve bearings with grease lubrication,
Right angle drive gearbox,
with Siemens 240kW DC variable speed motor,
Strip knives fitted E112282 to front roll,
Heavy duty fabricated bedplate,
Carter stockblender mounted on top.
seller offer No. resale 123583091
Machine in stock: Yes


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