Banderoling machines BVM 16040 L

packaging machines / other packaging machinery / Banderoling machines

item-No.: 162841341 Quantity: 1 Date: 20.11.2023
Year of manufacture: 2009
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: BVM
Model: 16040 L
Type of machine: Banderoling machines
Description: Banderoling machines BVM 16040 L

used machine

Banding machine BVM 16040 L; good condition; Welding width 1600mm; Product height 400mm; product scanner; Labeller; Conveyor belt 5600mm; Intermediate belt 1500mm; Shrink tunnel SC 16060 SD; Link band; cooling fans; Outlet roller conveyor 2000mm.

Banderoling machine BVM 16040 L; good condition; sealing width 1600mm; product hight 400mm; scanner; Labeler; J142937 infeed belt 5600mm; intermediate belt 1500mm; shrink tunnel SC 16060 SD; link belt; cooling unit; Outfeed Roller Conveyor.
seller offer No. resale 1446
Machine in stock: Yes
Seller-item-No.: 1446
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