6 pieces of flange Flanschenwerk Bebitz BEBITZ 500x508 V-Flansch/Weld-neckFlangeDIN2632

surplus goods / surplus goods

item-No.: 119625834 Quantity: 1 Date: 07.03.2024
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Bebitz
Model: 500x508 V-Flansch/Weld-neckFlangeDIN2632
Type of machine: 6 pieces of flange Flanschenwerk Bebitz
Description: 6 pieces of flange Flanschenwerk Bebitz Bebitz 500x508 V-Flansch/Weld-neckFlangeDIN2632

Various flanges from the Flanschwerk Beblitz with test certificate
Diameter M138572 500mm
seller offer No. resale 119625834
Machine in stock: Yes


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