Return machine Bayle PGT 2850 BAYLE PLUCKER PGT 2850

food processing machines / meat and fish processing machines

item-No.: 144954219 Quantity: 1
Year of manufacture:
Price: 50,000 EUR
Manufacturer: Bayle Plucker
Model: PGT 2850
Type of machine: Return machine Bayle PGT 2850
Description: Return machine Bayle PGT 2850 Bayle Plucker PGT 2850

used machine

The machine has been dismantled and has been in our warehouse since 2015, it is used and was in use in a turkey slaughterhouse
with underbeam, G154612 conveyor belt and articulated rupee.
seller offer No. resale 144954219
Machine in stock: Yes


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