Bakeplates BACKPLATTEN fur alle type ofen

food processing machines / breadmaking and confectionery machines

item-No.: 1391505 Quantity: 1 Date: 20.03.2023
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: Backplatten
Model: fur alle type ofen
Type of machine: Bakeplates
Description: Bakeplates Backplatten fur alle type ofen

We produce stone forecastle records (cooker-flat)
Bakeplates for everything type from ovens:
-Sveba Dahlen
and other proficient ones.
also stoves for pizza and fur ordered in another dimension (length, width, thickness) ...
our panels a perfectly smooth surface are marked, are A124229 resistant to mechanical pushes, do not carry during the use, a very long life span. users praise good baking quality.
seller offer No. resale 1391505


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