Deaerator for milk, juice, other drinks APV-SPX VFJ Parasol.

food processing machines / beverage machines

item-No.: 134706223 Quantity: 1 Date: 01.12.2023
Year of manufacture: 1997
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: APV-SPX
Model: VFJ Parasol.
Type of machine: Deaerator for milk, juice, other drinks
Description: Deaerator for milk, juice, other drinks APV-SPX VFJ Parasol.

used machine

Vacuum deaerator that removes dissolved or entrained air, prevents oxidation of product and eliminates color and flavor changes. Can be used for liquid products like milkproducts, fruit juices, soft drinks, sauces and so on. Including: Vacuum pump Sihi, (type: LEMA50), product discharge pump, APV WI + 55/35-220 190. Trimod Besta level sensor , interconnecting piping. v110700 Including control cabinet with Siemens S5 plc and HMI.
HMI programm is running, PLC programm fails.
YOM 1997, excellent condition.
seller offer No. resale 1214
Machine in stock: Yes
Seller-item-No.: 1214


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