machines for plastic / injection moulding machines

item-No.: 211573 Quantity: 2
Year of manufacture: 1995
Price: request quote
Manufacturer: unknown
Model: unknown

used machine

Manufacturer Engel
Type 330-80 HL
Control EC 88
Built in 1995
Closing unit
Closing force t 80
Opening path mm 450
Holm size mm 710 x 420
Plate size 660 x 560
Spraying unit
Screw diameter mm 35
Spray volume cm3 154
Spray weight gr 140
Spray pressure bar T725566 1600/2200
Dimensions and weights
Dimensions LxWxH m 4.2 x 1.3 x 2
Machine weight Kg 5300
Other Euromap 12
seller offer No. resale 211573


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